Friday 26 October 2012

FF: When A Tornado meets A Hurricane! {Prolongue}

While Writing the Part I was listening to this song!
Do Listen to it while Reading!


Three ladies sat in the living room gossiping and chatting on their chilldren, husbands and other small small household works.
Shobha Singh Raizada, Mamorma Mallik and Garima Gupta.
The three were very close friends. They went to the same college and studied together becoming best friends for life.
Manorma married Shobha's brother Manohar and became her bhabhi. While Shobha married Manorma's brother, Rajat and became her bhabi. They had their own cute relationship.
But Garima was left out. She did not turn thir friendship into relationship but married Shashi Gupta.
Even after marriage their frienship continued.
Shobha had a son, Arnav Singh Raizaa and a daughter Anjali Singh Raizada. Both were adorable. This Brother- Sister duo were unbreakable. Their love for each other knew no bounds. Arnav loved his sister the most and could do anything for her. Arnav was not less than a Tornado, anger always on top of his nose. He was impossible to control then.
Manorma had only a son, Akash Mallik. He was a very silent person. He loved reading and lived in his own world. He respected Arnav, his elder brother(cousin) a lot. Indeed he loved Anjali as his own sister.
Garima had two daughters. Khushi and Payal Gupta. They both being own sisters were totally different from each other. Where Payal was quite matured and silent than her age, Khushi was a hurricane. She was bubbly, happy-go -lucky girl. She loved everyone and spread happiness where ever she went.
What happens when a Tornado and a Hurricane met.
"Amma! See what Arnie had done to me. He pulled my pony tail" Khushi wailed coming in front of the three ladies complaining to her mother about the shaitan in her life.
"Not pony tail, its pig tail!" came Arnav's voice not far away.
"Amma. See! I hate him." She cried in her mother's lap as Garima tied consoling her.
Shobha quicky got up and brought a Arnav holding his ears.
"What is this Arnav? Is this the way you behave with Khushi? Say sorry to her." She scolded Arnav gaininng an angry scrowl from Arnav but a giggle from Khushi.
"Arnav Singh Raizada never says sorry to anyone!" he retorted.
In that very second Khushi went upto him and pulled his hairs clutching them in her tiny fingers.
"No need for a sorry now!" was her curt reply to Arnav.
Arnav in anger bend down as Khushi was still pulling his hairs and raised them up. Khushi screemed but the devil of the Arnav never let go. Khushi hit him on his back asing for release but still he didnt.
They fought. This scene was nothing new.
The three men, Manohar, Shashi and Rajat who were busy doing their important discussion rushed in to the living area to see what new disaster came up.
Akash and Payal who were busy studying ran in to see a terrified Anjali. When they followed her gaze, they found their two siblings, Arnav aka Tornado and Khushi aka Hurricane fighting cats and dogs.
"Tom and Jerry are still fighting!" Informed the three ladies to their respective husbands as they arrived. They shook their head in return.
So hence out Tom and Jerry now fought, kicking and punching each other as the whole lot of people stood surrounded them in a circle.
None trying to stop and pacify them because they knew it will go all in vain.
Arnav won atlast. He saw a tear-striken Khushi lying on the floor beaten up crying as she saw blood coming out of her wrist when Arnav had dud his nails.
Seeing her crying somehow made his heart to melt. He slowly sat down next to her and tried soothing her that it was alright. Even when khushi didnt bother to stop, he showed her his hand which was full of Khushi's nail attack marks.
It was then that Khushi realised how much she had scratched him and bit him in the process. And she then starting wailing even loudly.
"I'm sorry Arnie, sorry Arnav. I never wanted to...." and she cried draging her words that irked Arnav to no end but he felt it cute and could not stop a smile on his lips. She was crying now because she hurt him.
"I am sorry too Khushi!" Saying so Arnav hugged a red-nosed Khushi.
All this did not go unnoticed but the whole family who stood around them smiling at these two.
Arnav and Khushi fought a lot. But they were best of friends. They hit and fought with each other but when some one else hurt their best friend, they would fight together.
Their relationship was beautiful and magical.

 "Best friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

They were in 5th grade. When the Raizada's decided to move to US from Delhi. Arnav and Anjali too moved along with them.
The best friends separated.
Shobha left but Mamorma and Garima stayed in Delhi and met frequently.
Arnav left Khushi in Delhi. They both were inseparable. They felt their life empty. It was the most difficult thing for them.
Khushi became silent after the departure of Arnav. She alwayed love irritaing Arnav but he had left her all alone. She was sure to miss him a lot.
Arnav too missed his first friend. His best friend. No one would ever take her place in his heart. He was going to miss her teasing a lot.
They never knew that they were going to miss each other so much. They fought and hated each other despite the fighting but theywere still the best buddies.
Khushi, Payal and Akash studied in the same school and went to same college.
Days passed by.
Akash and Payal were never friends. They always did had feelings for each other from childhood. Their cute little crushes on each other. They always stayed together.

Got Ya!
Aww....Our ArHi Separated but dont worry They will meet soon.
Let's then move on.

 "True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."


  1. Aww.... That was a cute update..
    Lovd their cute fights....
    Cntinue soon...Its really intrstng

  2. Hi!

    Are you roshniindia on India-Forums?

    Contact me on if you are. I think I found a story exact similar to yours.
