Friday 26 October 2012

OS: Mr Hottie turns out to be ASR (Part 2)

                       OS: Mr Hottie turns out to be ASR!

                                                PART 2
A lady stepped in front of the counter and ordered jalebi's and pastries for herself.

"Cash or Check?" Khushi asked her.

"cash" She replied as she gave her the amounted and sat down waiting for her order to come.

Mr. Hotty stepped forward. "The first item on your menu."

Khushi quirked an eyebrow at his response. "You mean a cake?"

His dark chocolaty eyes were focused on her. "It was becoming tiresome to say that."

She gave him a slight smile and placed the order.

He held out his card. "You never ask me 'credit or cash'."

"Ooh," she stared at his credit card in awe. "That's a first. You always pay with cash. I just assumed you would this time too."

 He slid his credit card across the counter. Khushi glanced at his name�Arnav singh Raizada�before charging it.

"Here you go"  She said as she handed him the parcel of a huge chocolate cake.

He gave a curt nod, took the packet, and left.

It was Sunday and Khushi spent that day with the lovely couple. No one ever bothered her with the orders unless it was too hectic. 

"There you are, Ms.Kashyap," Khushi  grinned as she placed the plate full of jalebi's ordered on the table.

At that moment, Arnav walked in. Surprisingly, Mr. Hotty, Mr. arnav Singh Raizada had come that day so unlike himself.

 He spotted Khushi and gave her a small wave. Her heart nearly skipped a beat and she had the urge to run over to the counter, ready to take his orders. 

Instead, she calmly smiled back in response and directed her attention to the old couple. She wanted to spend just a little more time with them.

"Oh, you didn't have to," Mrs. Kasyap responded. She placed a hand on her arm. "I know we're suppose to get our own orders from the counter. I could've gotten up on my own to get it myself."

Khushi tucked a loose piece of her hair behind her ear. She was like a grandma to her. She was thin and delicate like but she had a brilliant mind and she once told her that when she was young, she could beat men to a pulp with her strength. 

Khushi didnt dare doubt it. She was a sweet but fierce woman. Every time she won a game against her husband, she would shout 'boo yeah!'- loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear and when she was extremely peeved at a move her husband made in a game of chess, she would curse like a sailor.

"If you did that, you'll have to pause your intense game of scrabble," Khushi said, placing her hands on her hips. "I couldn't allow that. You would loose your concentration and you know I want you to beat uncle to smithereens!"

Mr. Kashyap cleared his throat to get his attention ,"You are right here, y'know?"

"I know aunty will definately beat you up in this game" Khushi said supporting Mrs. Kashyap.

"As if she can," Mr. Kashyap scoffed as he adjusted his large, golden rimmed glasses. He gave his wife a warm smile. "I love you, honey, and I admire your intelligence but I will be the winner at this game."

Mr. Kashyap was wonderful. Deep down, however, he was just a large teddy bear that everyone wanted to hug and 'awww' at. Unlike his wife, he didn't gloat when he would win. He would comfort his wife and tell her how beautiful she was and how he was so proud of her for giving it her all.

She stood upright. "I'll leave you two alone now."

The moment she turned to head back towards the counter, she saw Arnav's head rapidly turn away. A light blush crept on her face at the thought that Arnav had been possibly staring at her.

That hopefulness was crushed when she spotted a gorgeous brunette seated at the table near the Kashyap's. Khushi wasn't hideous but compared to that woman, she would be completely overshadowed.

she sighed and left the cafe even before Arnav payed his bill and left. She just felt a little bit disappointed.She didnt know why?

Do you all like the story.

I know itis short but I was confused whether you all are liking it or not! I wont 
continue if there is hardly any response though I have already wriiten another part to it which i will be updating in another 2 days time.

Please let me know about your thoughts through your comments!

Waiting for your comments!


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