Friday 26 October 2012

OS(Series): Mr. Hottie (Part 1)

  PART 1

Khushi had been working in a sweet shop so as to help her father in his sweet shop business as a waitress. She loved to meet numerous people who came to visit the sweet shop.
She was actually a fashion designer and did a job in a multi-national company. But her heart which was obessed with sweets forced her to do the job. Despite her father asking her to relax after working for so long in the office, she still mangaed to do few hours of job with her father.

The shop was quite huge and spacious. One could visualise a bunch of teen-age college students having fun celebrating their friend's birthday.
A couple had just walked in, were passing by and decided to take a chance with this shop. Their curious eyes gave them away. The three girls sitting by the window came in monthly and the sweet, old couple seated against the left wall came in twice a week and would stay in their spot for hours, playing scrabble and chess.
She loved to meet numerous people who visited her and she really did enjoy talking to them.

Out of all of them, there was one person whom she felt fascinating. It must have been because he was attractive. His broad shoulders, long legs, delicate cheekbones, and smooth lips. He had a youthful but mature appearance. He was probably two years older than her, at most. Then again, she was sure there was more to him than his looks that captivated her attention all the time he visited the shop.
Not that the coffee shop wasn't a magnet for hot men, it rather looked like a  place for the grown up and old.
She saw him today entering the cofee shop. Looking at the time, she realised that he was 5min late for the first time. He always visited the shop every Saturday sharp at 7pm. Maybe while returning from his tired office schedule and the busy streets of Delhi.

Khushi always got Saturday and Sunday off from her work and enjoyed most of her time being in the shop and noticing the people around her or rather Him specifically.
His dark brown hair was constantly in a mess, contrasting the seriousness of  his outfit. Though he looked cute that way.

She had yet to learn his name. He always paid in cash, which, unlike credit cards, didn't display people's name on them. She had settled for naming him                                                           Mr.Hottie.
Despite him being kind. He always placed money in the tip jar...which meant extra pocket money. He smiled wholeheartedly (though very less and very occasionally) as he pointed out where the restroom was to a confused child. He would hold the door open for anyone that was leaving or entering the same time he was planning on walking through the door. He looked arrogant man but inside that arrogance laid a soft side of his. But out of all of it, he was damm hot! 
She wondered if he knew her name. He probably didn't. She had a name tag but she doubted if he had ever paid attention to it.
He always ordered a huge cake or pastries every week. He always got them packed and waited till we got got them freshly made and packed. It took almost 15minutes.
God knew why, everyone in the shop would send khushi to take his orders, delivered the dishes and collecting the money. Khushi noticed him but as per duty, took orders for the old couple with whom she was very fond of. But as she returned, to take the delivery, Payal's teasing irritated her.
"Oh! He's here!" Payal whispered to her.

Her heart skipped a beat but she stayed calm. "Great. Go take his order."

"No! This is your guy," Payal smirked. She always had a habbit of pulling her leg. khushi always wondered what her elder sister Payal thought about them that she always asked her to take his orders specifically.

Khushi didn't respond and continued working, hoping that she'll just leave her alone.   But She didn't. She grabbed her arm and started tugging her away from her work. Khushi's eyes widened in fear when the jalebi she had been making was on the verge of going out of shape.
"I'm kind of doing something," she said, gesturing to the jalebi's that she was making for the old couple.

"I'll finish it," Payal assured. She shoved her entire body towards the counter.

She sighed. She cheerfully took the orders of two people before Mr. Hotty stepped up to the counter. As always, he ordered a big chocolate cake. She told Lavanya to get it but she said she was busy finishing up the jalebi's so she started packing them herself. She placed the packed cake on the counter before charging him.
She saw the chocolate cake which made her wonder about his chocolaty brown eyes.
Why did he always buy cakes every week? Did he really like them so much? 

"what cakes?"

Heyy Devvi maiyaa. Had she really spoken that loud.

"I love cakes, specially chocolate. They just so yummy and delicious and soft and so... so tasty. And when they are inside your mouth, you feel as if its the most sweetest thing in the creamy. No, its not just that. Jalebi's are the most delicious. They are crispy and full of sweet suagry juice, I mean syrup which reaches your tongue to taste as soon as your teeth crunches it. Oh! I just love Jalebis. I am talking way too much. I didn't even really answer your question." she took a deep breath. "Sorry for torturing you with my babbling."

"Its ok!" saying so he paid the bill with the cash of course and for the first time he smiled at her. After throwing out that half smile, Mr. Black Suit shrugged and walked away.
         Thats it!
              Please please please let me know if you liked it or not!
                         I am like fingers crossed...Yes or no?
                        Say dat to my through you comments!
                          And if you liked it...then LIKE it!
   If You all like it, it will only be then that I will continue or else I will have to stop in another part or so!
                          See ya
                               roshnidiyaBig smile

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