Saturday 27 October 2012

FF: When A Tornado Meets A Hurricane! {Part 1}

FF: When A Tornado Meets A Hurricane!


Fast forward 19 years later-

Khushi was finished doing her fashion designing course and had joined the AR as one of the chief-designer.
Even after so many years, She had not forgotten Arnav.

After the Raizada's departure, they still stayed in contact. They talked over phones or online chatting. But as time passed by, they got busy in their respective lives.

Not that they didn't remember their moment spent together, but they didnt have the time to recall. Who could after 19 years.
Khushi being jovial had made many friends.
Arnav on the other hand too did make friends.
Arnav was always the star of his college. He was one of the popular guy. After finishing his college, he joined his father's company, The AR in US. He was the most eligible bachelor and one of the richest business tycoon.



Arnav reached home after a tiring day. Throwing his coat and loosening his tie, he sat on the dining table as his mother laid down the food.

"Arnav! I think its time you settle down" Shobha insisted Arnav to get married yet again.

"Please mom. Not again. You know I am not interested." Arnav refused bluntly.

"Arnav. I think your mom is right! You should get married. What's the problem in that. Anjali also got married and see she is so happy with her husband Shyaam Jha." His father supported his mother. Indeed he had to.

"What kind of a girl do you need Arnav.Please don't say you love your that girl friend, Lavanya Kashyap." His mother asked Arnav.

"Mom! I don't love Lavanya." He hissed. He hated her. But that is different that she refused to understand.

Always going all Arnie POoo on him. God safe him from her.

" I want to marry a girl who had the most beautiful eyes that I drown in them."

Some where far away over the seas, a girl opened her eyes as the first rays of sunlight fell on her face. She smiled. He smile reaching her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful filled with kindness and love for the world.

" She had to be a fashion designer so that she had understand me and my job."

She ran as she was getting terribly late for her office. She quickly took a sandwich and drinking a glass of juice ran out holding a bunch of files, continuing her designs which she had made the whole night. Saying good bye's she rushed to car hearing her mother ranting about her not finishing her breakfast.

"She should believe in love and make me fall in love with her all over and over again"

As she drove she saw a old couple not able to cross the busy road. She quickly got down and went upto them, helping them cross the road making all the cars screech to halt.

"She should stay in everyone's heart as a ray of hope"

The old couple placed their hand on her head, blessing her as she smiled gratefully for being able to help them.

" She should be the most beautiful girl in the world but Indian."

She ran as she realised that she was getting late for walk and ran in as her dupaata trailed behind her.

"She must have the speed of 3G."

Khushi entered her office as she greeted her colleagues. She quickly sat on her laptop and started her work for the day in time. 

" She should understand the importance of relationships and respect them"

She bent down to touch the feet of Manorma and smiled as she met her in Temple. She makes it a point to visit temple after her office and pick up her mother from there.

"I want her to Love me a lot Mom! Find such a girl Mom and Dad, and then I will marry.'' Arnav grinned wickedly at his parents as he saw their blown out faces. 

"Arnav, from where do you expect us to find such a girl for you?" Rajat asked confused at his son's description about his to-be-wife.

"From heaven Dad. There exists no one on this Earth who is fit for me. So forget it! Good night!" Saying so, he went up to his room for a good night sleep.

But here Mr. and Mrs. Raizada lay on bed sleep deprived.

Little did they know that they didn't have to go to heaven to get the angel as their daugher-in-law but India to their old days. 

The girl being none other our Khushi Kumari Gupta.

"OMG Payal! Why are you messing up the whole room for a single dress. Don't tell me you are going on a date tonight?" A curious Khushi asked in a teasing tone.

But when Khushi saw her sister going a beetroot red, she realised then that her joke was true. Her sister was seriously going on a date! But with whom?

"Payal! You never said me, that you liked someone and you gonna date with him? Don't tell me it's Akash?" Khushi asked shocked yet anxious. 

"No, Khushi. Not a Date! I'm just going to the Library to issue the new book which has come. And you know Akash is accompanying me. That's it! Don't make a big fuss of it." Payal tried to make it obvious.

"Ahem... With whom? Aww...With your childhood, Teen and now biggest crush Akash Mallik!" khushi said dramatically in a teasing tone gaining a punch on her shoulder by an angry Payal.

"Not a big deal, Khushi! Bye. Need to go." Payal waved as she rushed out of the house.

Khushi sighed. She knew Payal and Akash were made for each other couple and she had always wished them to be a couple once they grew up right from when they were kids.

They seemed perfect for each other. Both silent and studious. Since kids, they were inseparable. They were always together. They shared the same class. Right from nursery, High School, College, University and now they worked together in the same office as partner.

"Amazing!" She smiled happy for her sister.

Suddenly her breathing hitched as memories of her and Arnav came floating by. She still hadn't forgotten him. After all he was her 1st best friend. 

But the busy life and after 20 years, What more could be expected?

Friday 26 October 2012

FF: When A Tornado meets A Hurricane! {Prolongue}

While Writing the Part I was listening to this song!
Do Listen to it while Reading!


Three ladies sat in the living room gossiping and chatting on their chilldren, husbands and other small small household works.
Shobha Singh Raizada, Mamorma Mallik and Garima Gupta.
The three were very close friends. They went to the same college and studied together becoming best friends for life.
Manorma married Shobha's brother Manohar and became her bhabhi. While Shobha married Manorma's brother, Rajat and became her bhabi. They had their own cute relationship.
But Garima was left out. She did not turn thir friendship into relationship but married Shashi Gupta.
Even after marriage their frienship continued.
Shobha had a son, Arnav Singh Raizaa and a daughter Anjali Singh Raizada. Both were adorable. This Brother- Sister duo were unbreakable. Their love for each other knew no bounds. Arnav loved his sister the most and could do anything for her. Arnav was not less than a Tornado, anger always on top of his nose. He was impossible to control then.
Manorma had only a son, Akash Mallik. He was a very silent person. He loved reading and lived in his own world. He respected Arnav, his elder brother(cousin) a lot. Indeed he loved Anjali as his own sister.
Garima had two daughters. Khushi and Payal Gupta. They both being own sisters were totally different from each other. Where Payal was quite matured and silent than her age, Khushi was a hurricane. She was bubbly, happy-go -lucky girl. She loved everyone and spread happiness where ever she went.
What happens when a Tornado and a Hurricane met.
"Amma! See what Arnie had done to me. He pulled my pony tail" Khushi wailed coming in front of the three ladies complaining to her mother about the shaitan in her life.
"Not pony tail, its pig tail!" came Arnav's voice not far away.
"Amma. See! I hate him." She cried in her mother's lap as Garima tied consoling her.
Shobha quicky got up and brought a Arnav holding his ears.
"What is this Arnav? Is this the way you behave with Khushi? Say sorry to her." She scolded Arnav gaininng an angry scrowl from Arnav but a giggle from Khushi.
"Arnav Singh Raizada never says sorry to anyone!" he retorted.
In that very second Khushi went upto him and pulled his hairs clutching them in her tiny fingers.
"No need for a sorry now!" was her curt reply to Arnav.
Arnav in anger bend down as Khushi was still pulling his hairs and raised them up. Khushi screemed but the devil of the Arnav never let go. Khushi hit him on his back asing for release but still he didnt.
They fought. This scene was nothing new.
The three men, Manohar, Shashi and Rajat who were busy doing their important discussion rushed in to the living area to see what new disaster came up.
Akash and Payal who were busy studying ran in to see a terrified Anjali. When they followed her gaze, they found their two siblings, Arnav aka Tornado and Khushi aka Hurricane fighting cats and dogs.
"Tom and Jerry are still fighting!" Informed the three ladies to their respective husbands as they arrived. They shook their head in return.
So hence out Tom and Jerry now fought, kicking and punching each other as the whole lot of people stood surrounded them in a circle.
None trying to stop and pacify them because they knew it will go all in vain.
Arnav won atlast. He saw a tear-striken Khushi lying on the floor beaten up crying as she saw blood coming out of her wrist when Arnav had dud his nails.
Seeing her crying somehow made his heart to melt. He slowly sat down next to her and tried soothing her that it was alright. Even when khushi didnt bother to stop, he showed her his hand which was full of Khushi's nail attack marks.
It was then that Khushi realised how much she had scratched him and bit him in the process. And she then starting wailing even loudly.
"I'm sorry Arnie, sorry Arnav. I never wanted to...." and she cried draging her words that irked Arnav to no end but he felt it cute and could not stop a smile on his lips. She was crying now because she hurt him.
"I am sorry too Khushi!" Saying so Arnav hugged a red-nosed Khushi.
All this did not go unnoticed but the whole family who stood around them smiling at these two.
Arnav and Khushi fought a lot. But they were best of friends. They hit and fought with each other but when some one else hurt their best friend, they would fight together.
Their relationship was beautiful and magical.

 "Best friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

They were in 5th grade. When the Raizada's decided to move to US from Delhi. Arnav and Anjali too moved along with them.
The best friends separated.
Shobha left but Mamorma and Garima stayed in Delhi and met frequently.
Arnav left Khushi in Delhi. They both were inseparable. They felt their life empty. It was the most difficult thing for them.
Khushi became silent after the departure of Arnav. She alwayed love irritaing Arnav but he had left her all alone. She was sure to miss him a lot.
Arnav too missed his first friend. His best friend. No one would ever take her place in his heart. He was going to miss her teasing a lot.
They never knew that they were going to miss each other so much. They fought and hated each other despite the fighting but theywere still the best buddies.
Khushi, Payal and Akash studied in the same school and went to same college.
Days passed by.
Akash and Payal were never friends. They always did had feelings for each other from childhood. Their cute little crushes on each other. They always stayed together.

Got Ya!
Aww....Our ArHi Separated but dont worry They will meet soon.
Let's then move on.

 "True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."

FF: When A Tornado meets A Hurricane!

Hey Guys!
My new story! I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Beware Its gonna be a Long Journey with Me!


Arnav Singh Raizada
Anjali jha(Sister)
Shyaam Jha(Brother-in-law)
Rajat Singh Raizada(Father)
Shobha Singh Raizada(Mother)
Manohar Mallik(Mama)
Manorma Mallik(Mami)
Akash Mallik(Cousin brother)
Nanda Kishore(Best friend)
Lavanya Kashyap(Girl friend)

Khushi kumari Gupta
Payal Gupta(Sister)
Shashi Gupta(Father)
Garima Gupta(Mother)


OS: Let's Run Away!

This OS is dedicated to a girl whom I met online but she has managed to secure a part in my heart.

So Po, I mean --Pooja-   my bestie...this Os is for a sorry for not calling you for long!

I love you dammit!

         OS: Lets Run!

Wearing a sherwani, the great bussiness tycoon Arnav Singh Raizada was climbing the window to reach his Khushi on his wedding day. He had never thought he would be doing something like this ever and that too on his marriage day even in his widest of dreams.

He sighed as he landed on her room and the next moment, he felt her body crash onto him. And he hugged her back after the initial shock.

One thing he realised then 

That Love can reduce anyone to anything!

Love conques all.

"I thought you will not come!" Khushi pouted still hugging him.

"How can break my promise, Khushi." Arnav stroke her hairs and then pulled back slowly to have a clear view of her face.

As they broke, Arnav stared at her in disbelief, she looked beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous in her bridal outfit.

"You look beautiful, Khushi!" he said still mesmerised by her.

"You dont look less hot either!" She spoke equally amazed to see him in a sherwani.

"Lets go Arnav before anyone comes to know about it!" khushi pulled him near the window.

They saw guests coming along with the groom's family. The groom's car had not arrived till then.

Arnav lowered himself down the ladder followed by Khushi. 

"Khushi! careful! You will surely skip and fall as always!" Arnav commanded as he saw Khushi struggling while descending down slowly.

And true to his words, she did fall. But in safe hands with a soft landing.

"Khushi! I said so." he said as he rubbed his nose with hers.

''So what? You are there to catch me, isnt it? Always!" she spoke as her eyes glistened with tears.

Khushi quicky stood up as Arnav lowered her. They held hands and ran. 

They reached the nearby temple holding hands and panting after running.

They entered the place. Arrangements were done. 

Arnav put mangalsutra around khushi's neck and then filled her forehead with sindoor.

Followed by the seven pheras with seven vows tying them for eternity.

They reached the wedding hall, hand in hand. Seeing them, the whole Raizada as well as Gupta families were shocked. All of them started gossiping about them.

"How could you Khushi? Why did you run away?" Garima wailed.

"Amma. I am sorry. But I really wanted to" Khushi tried explaining her.

"So what? We wanted to marry each other and we did. What's the big fuss?" Arnav was now a little angry on the families. They were behaving as if they had done some crime, after all they love each other and wanted to marry. And they did. What's the big deal.

"Chote! I had never expected this from you! Shame on you!" Anjali glared at him as she scolded him with all the elder sister attitude.

"Dont scold him Anjali bitiya. I know its not his fault but our sanka devi's. Isnt it?" She spoke pointing towards Khushi.

"Enough! No one is going to say my wife anything. We are married and thats it!" Arnav's voice silenced everyone.

"Chote! What about our dreams. We all wanted to see you both getting married finally but all you did was run away from yours and khushi's marriage and get married why? This was not right 
Chote!" Anjali spoke shedding tears of helplessness and followed by that of the whole family's.

"I am sorry Anjaliji, Amma, Buaji, Jiiji and everyone. Its not Arnavji's fault but mine. I had always dreamt that I will marry in a filmy style, where my Rajkumar will take me away and we will get married despite all hurdles. But you all agreed to our marriage so easily. I mean it was you all who fixed our marriage. So I thought why dont we run away and get married in a filmy style. But i didnt know you all will be so much hurt by it. My dream, shattered all your dreams. I am sorry!" Khushi finally spoke out as she sobbed hard and held onto Arnav for support.

Arnav cradled her in his arms. Now the whole family felt guilty. And seeing Arnav throwing daggers at them while caressing Khushi to stop crying, they felt a little scared too.

" I am sorry Khushiji. Its afterall your marriagea and you both should enjoy it in your own style. Welcome to our family bhabhi" Anjali spoke out which made Khushi look at her still in her husband's arms.
She looked so adorable with her red nose. Arnav suddenly had an idea.

" Di. You always asked me to fulfill Khushi's dream and I did by running away with her and getting married and now its turn for all of you to fulfill your dreams" Arnav put forward his plan."

" But Damadji. How is that possible?" Buaji asked confused.

"By marrying my wife again!" As Arnav spoke this out, the whole family and guested clapped their hands smiling at this so-much-in-love couple with teary eyes.

Hearing this idea, Khushi hugged Arnav more tightly and kissed him on his cheek. she forgot where they were, and got lost in his molten brown chocolatey eyes.

They broke off awkwardly as they heard the whole family giggling and some clearing their throats to get back their attention.

With that, Arnav and Khushi performed the wedding rituals again tying their bonds for another 7 births once again in front of the whole family.

So together they promised each other to be together for whole 14 births.

"Khushi, I married you twice, so our Suhaag raat should also be twice, isnt it?"

Hearing his words, Khushi's eyes widened and lips formed a perfect '0' and she blushed hard.

All thanks to the spoiler pics that has made me to write about all gutter thoughts...celebrating suhaag raat twice. Can't wait for Monday!

Please LIKE and COMMENT!

Huggs and Kisses!

Did you like it Po?

Waiting for your response!

with regard


OS: Mr.Hottie is mine! (Part 5)

Mr. Hottie is mine!
Arnav came to the shop every weekend took the cake and left as usual. But every night when Khushi finished her work and got ready to go to home, she would see her Mr.Hottie waiting for her outside. After that he would give her a ride to her home.

His this gesture always gave goosebumps to Khushi. He never missed her or was ever late.

This became a habbit or a obsession as a matter of fact.

On daily basis, Khushi would wake up every morning dreaming of her Mr. Hottie with a smile. Go to AR and then she would directly go to the shop.

Then when she would be ready to go back home, she would come out of the shop to find Arnav waiting for her to give her a ride home. It has been continuing for more than a week now.

Khushi had become quite comfortable with him and they chatted together on the way or you can say Khushi chatted or fired questions to get a nod or a curt reply from him.

They talked about family, business or about their likes and dislikes.

Today too, Arnav was dropping her home when Khushi stopped him and asking him to wait in the car walked down two blocks before she spotted the homeless man leaning against the corner of a building.

 A thin layer of dirt was covering his light skin. His hair was nearly white and his body was thin. I smiled at him and handed him the plastic bag filled with leftover brownies, sandwiches, and muffins. Inside, there was also a list of homeless shelters, job openings, and soup kitchens nearby. He stared at me with glistened eyes and gently took the bag from my hands.
Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome."

 She then turned to walk back to the car but when she turned around, she spotted Arnav. He was staring at her, an unreadable expression on his face. Khushi gave him a small smile as she walked to him and they walked back together in silence to the car.
Khushi woke up today, smiling to her hearts out.

"Happy twenty-first birthday, Khushi!" she said to herself.

Today was Sunday but she was called to Office for some important work. She didn't want to go.

It was her birthday and here she has to go to her Office because her so-called mysterious boss's boss who owned the AR wanted to conduct a meeting on that day only.

She never met ASR, her boss or she never bothered to. She knew he was arrogant and rude with no heart, that is what everyone said about him.

Her family wished Happy Birthday. Though they were reluctant about
Khushi going to work, they let her as she insisted and that it was an important meeting to attend.

As she entered the AR office, she found not a single outside. The watchman informed her that ASR was waiting for her and so she hurried towards his cabin.

When she knocked on his door. She felt someone behind her. She was about to turn when the same person stopped her. Then he tied a black ribbon on her eyes and blind-folded her.

Khushi tried to protest.

"Trust me."

But when she heard his words, she relaxed. His voiced seemed familiar.

She was escorted into the room and when the blind-fold was removed, she looked around astonished.

The entire cabin was decorated with birthday items and balloons. Aww. She loved them.

Suddenly, she turned around to find her Mr.Hottie. What was Arnav doing here? Khushi wanted to ask him a million questions but halted as she noticed that he was staring at her with so much intensity that could melt him down.

She blushed.


"Shhh!" he silenced her by placing his finger on top of her lips, walking upto her.

"Happy Birthday Khushi. It's my time to celebrate because if you hadn't come on this Earth years back, I would have never met a wonderful person like you in my life"

Khushi stared at him in amazement. He took her hand in his and led her to the decorated table where a birthday cake laid.

"A cake again from your shop." he said before they cut the cake and she fed him while retaliated the same way.

Khushi stared at Arnav's lips as the little cream of the cake laid daringly in the corner of his lips.

"So, Khushi. You liked your birthday surprise?"

And  she could only nod in reply.

"There's something else for you?" He said as he took out a packet.

Khushi accepted it dazed and tried to open it when he stopped.

"You have already seen it before. Will you wear it for our DATE tonight, Khushi?"

And again, She only nodded as words seemed to have got struck on her throat.

After blinking for 5 sec, she could only murmer.

"A-Arnav S-Singh R-Raizada. ASR. I didn't know. I mean"

The next moment, Arnav had gone on his knees.

"I love you Khushi! Do you?" he asked.

And once again, she nodded.

It was her most special birthday.

She hugged him tight. She never had imagined that their little encounters in the sweet shop would lead to something so magical like this.

"Arnav, what do you do with all those cakes every weekends."

"I could buy them each day to meet someone special''

And she blushed and pointed towards his lips which had the cream. He cleaned on the wrong side and when she tried moved her fingers to clean them, Arnav stopped her.

He slowly bend forward and whispered in her ears.

"Don't use your fingers but clean it."

Her eyes became wide. And before she knew her Mr.Hottie was kissing her. She clicked off the cream from his lips. She didn't know which one was sweeter- The cake or his lips.

She smiled in between the kisses as she realised that

"Mr. Hottie is mine."

Don't know how it came out!
Hope you all liked it! And I did justice to the story.

OS(Series): Mr.Hottie to Rescue (Part 4)

Mr. Hottie to Rescue!

Khushi turned around to find the same rogues still following. Shivers ran down her spine as she started her calculation to escape the situation. Her home was still in a mile's distance and so was the shop. She was stuck now, but she had to do something.

But right now she planned to continue running and hinding. But the men came closer to her. Ofcourse she was meek and fast could she run. She was running when suddenly she saw a white lights coming from the headlights of a white SUV.

Seeing the car suddenly in front of her and her body became numb. She closed her eyes in anticipation muttering Devi Maiya's name for her safety and protection.

She opened her eyes when she saw the car stopping right in front of her with a screech.

She looked back to see the rogues still there. They were still not ready to leave her. 

She screamed as she felt one of the men holding on to her wrist and pulling her. With that she closed her eyes. And when she opened her eyes the next moment, she saw all the three men piled up together, being beaten black and blue.

She looked up find who was the reason behind their pathetic condition and saw none other than...


She breathed in relief but her breath again got struck when she felt Arnav ask her in his husky voice with so much concern that she thought she would melt in his gaze.

"You alright?"

And when she had not responded to his question still lost in his molten eyes, he slowly called out to her. Hearing her name from his mouth, she felt her name to be the most sweetest name in the world but snapped back and mentally scolded herself for acting like a teenager.

She did try to speak but the words failed to come out of her mouth.

She nodded negatively. How can she be alright when some guys were trying to following her in the middle of the night alone on the streets of Delhi and when she thought she was a gone case and was escaping, a car screeched in front of her worrying her further. And then, Arnav comes before her and beats the men black and blue and then asking her if she was alright.

Indeed she was not alright. Without any second thought, she ran upto him. To her saviour. Right into his arms. After a few seconds, she felt his one arms slowly go round her waist while his other other arm caressed her hairs assuring her that she would be alright.

Arnav was driving Khushi home. There was an awkward silence in the car. Khushi was confused as what to say. But she couldn't even bear being silent even so she broke it for her hearts sake which was beating frantically being so close to him.

"Thanks, er Mr. Arnav...Singh Raizada"

"Its Ok. And you can all me just Arnav"


"As much as I know you talk a lot. Then what happened now?"

"I dont usually talked you know! I hardly do. You heard it wrong! I am just a too you know..."

"I know and can hear how less you talk! And its alright. But why were you out so late this night? Its dangerous!"

"I just wondered off. I was just going home. Move right from here. Yep!"

"Khushi! You are alright. Ain't you?"

And she just nodded positively. She couldn't open her mouth and speak as she stared at those chocolatey brown eyes filled with concern and care for her.

She felt butterflies in her stomach but soon she noticed her home was here.

Requesting him to stop and thanking him one last time, she got down from the car and walked away but not before turning around and glacing at him, trying to capture him and this moment.

She knew that this moment and feeling will remain in her memories for long.

I never had any plans to write it. But seeing all your lovely and motivating comments I was forced to.

Hope you all enjoyed reading it. 

Part 5 will be up soon! It will be the last!

Please do press the LIKE button if you liked it and do tell my if you liked it or not through your comments. It was because of these comments that i wrote this Part!

With Regards
