Tuesday 27 November 2012

OS {Series}: Happily Ever After (Part 2)

OS {Series}: Happily Ever After

Part 2

"You're weird, you know that?"

" You came to know now?" I muttered, voice dripping with sarcasm. After that 'happy endings don't exist' comment, he wasn't exactly at the top of my favourite-people.

"Hey, Khushi" His voice drew me out of my reverie.


"That shirt looks nice on you." He half-smiled. I stood there stunned. What the - ? Did he just - ?

A small life lesson: the best way to remove yourself from an embarrassing situation is to excuse yourself from the conversation and bolt in the opposite direction.

"Well. I better get back to the lovebirds!" I beamed cheerfully and made my cool, calm and collected exit.

Correction: clumsy, highly embarrassing, painful exit.

A slightly larger life lesson: 'bolting in the opposite direction' generally doesn't entail tripping over a tree root, landing face first on the ground, getting up, accusing the tree of sabotage, kicking it, killing your foot in the process only to recollapse on the ground and asking the individual you've already embarrassed yourself in front of to 'put you out of your misery'.

"I need your opinion."

First came the shock. I mean, King of Existentialism was asking me for my opinion.

"On what exactly?" I replied cautiously.

"I'm kind of . . ." He trailed off looking embarrassed. Kind of what? Operating a drug ring in our neighbourhood and on the run from police? Deep in debt and in need of money to flee the country before lenders bash him?

"Kind of?" I prodded gently. Okay, so maybe 'gently' is the wrong word to use. 'Forcefully' fits nicely. Hey! I was dying of suspense here!

He took a deep breath and refused to meet my probing gaze. "I'm kind of interested in this girl . . ." The blush on his face was clear by now and he grimaced, which of course made him look incredibly adorable. Wait. I did not just think that. It was the alien that momentarily took over my mind. Honest.

"Define interested." Interested? There were a lot of different implications for interested.

He sighed exasperatedly. "You know," He waved his hands around absentmindedly. If he was trying to mime his definition of 'interested' he wasn't exactly succeeding. He scowled at my blank expression. "I mean interested interested." Nope. Still have no idea what the heck he's on about. He shifted as to turn away and muttered, "I thought you were supposed to be good at these things."

And then it hit me.


Arnav Singh Raizada was in love. Who thought the Iceman was capable of such an emotion?

"I'm not really as heartless as you seem to think I am." Oops. Wasn't meant to say that out loud. I quickly glanced up and reddened as he studied me, a mixture of amusement and irritation.

"S-Sorry. I-I didn't mean . . ." He waved aside the stuttered apology and folded his arms back into what psychiatrists would call: defensive mode.

"And I'm not in love with her. I just . . . like her. A lot."

Aw. He was in like. I would have squealed ' if I didn't think he'd incinerate me with his glare.

"So. What do you think?" How could anyone say no to chocolate brown eyes like that?

And okay, the fact that the he was asking me for advice on the girl of his dreams who was most definitely not me stung ' just a little. But it wasn't because I liked him in that way or anything. He's just eye candy. There is absolutely no emotional attachment. So why does it feel like I've been slapped across the face?

Pasting on a smile I replied cheerfully, "I'm honoured that you'd ask me."

He relaxed slightly and the edges of his mouth tipped up into a resemblance of a smile. It was an awkward, shy sort of smile that made my knees weaken and the air to get sucked right out of my lungs.

"So who's the lucky girl?" I know, I know. Curiosity killed the cat and all that. But come on! I needed to find out which lucky gal managed to win Arnav's heart. Because she had to be Miss Perfect to be able to snag a guy like him, which was why girls like me don't stand a chance. Oh life! Why must you be so unfair?

"I can't tell you."

"WHAT?!" All this suspense, and he couldn't tell me?! "What the hell do you mean you can't tell me?!" I demanded.

And he had the nerve to grin at me. The jerk.

"Let me rephrase that. I won't tell you." He looked so smug I wanted to punch him. Hard.

"Then how can I give you my opinion if you won't tell me who she is?" I beamed triumphantly. Try get yourself out of that one buster!

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You'll figure something out."

Balling my fists, I glowered. "You know what? You are such a monster!"

He stared at me incredulously. "What did you just call me?"

"A monster. All scary and evil to look at but actually only in stories."

"Yeah? Well you're such a Jalebi " Ignoring my expression of surprise he continued. "All sickeningly sweet until you get underneath and realise it's a little bit crunchy." He looked torn between frustration and laughter.

I stood there, shell-shocked for a moment before grinning slightly and admitting grudgingly, "That was pretty good."

He smiled. Arnav's half-grins and almost-smiles were heart-stopping in themselves, but his genuine, full-blown grin? Lethal. If heaven is half as dreamy as Arnav's smile then I'll gladly sacrifice my time on planet Earth.

Our eyes met. Suddenly the air felt thick, and all I could see was him, like we were the only two people that existed. And in that moment something passed between us. It felt new and unfamiliar but at the same time sort of wonderful.

I looked away first, stomach churning.

"I'll see you round," he murmured and disappeared in the sea of students heading back to class.

It was only then I realised I never answered his question.

"So what should I say?"

"To who? The girl?"

"No, my grandma," he muttered sarcastically.

I grinned and asked. "Touch-y." Because despite his tough-guy exterior he had a sweet and sensitive soul that needed to be nurtured and cherished and . . .

"Are you going to help me or not?" Like I said, he's sensitive.

"Well, how do you feel about her?"

"I thought we already established the fact that I like her?" he snapped.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. "But go deeper than that. How did these feelings arise? What is it about her that makes you go bananas? Do you walk into walls when she smiles? Or drop all your books when she walks past? Then think about putting all these emotions and feelings into your confession."

His brow furrowed as he thought for a moment. "Um, how about: I've been watching you these past few months and I like what I see?"

"That's perfect." He puffed out his chest a little looking pleased. "If you want her to kick you and run to the nearest police station screaming 'stalker!'" I deadpanned. That sure wiped out his self-satisfied smirk.

He glowered. "What do you suggest I say then?" Honestly! Do I have to do everything for the boy?

I frowned thoughtfully. "How about: the moment our eyes collided across the crowded hallway the thudding of my heart and they way you stole my breath made me realise that you were the Syrup on my Jalebi, the twinkle twinkle to my little star - without you I am incomplete!" I concluded with a dramatic flourish.

He threw me a look I interpreted as: and-you-have-the-nerve-to-say-my-suggestion-sucked-you-hypocrite.

"Fine. Come up with your own love declaration then!" I huffed and flounced off but not before I heard him mutter "Unbelievable?" under his breath.

The absolute nerve!
"What's the deal with you and Arnav?"

"We're friends."

"Really? So why are you blushing?"

Crap. Was I? "We're just friends Payal."

"So all those lunches you've been spending together, the number of weekends he's at your house, all the classes you walk together to . . .?"

"That's what friends do."

"I don't remember you doodling my name in love hearts and we're friends, best friends."

"I do not doodle his name in love hearts!" A cheeky grin. "Oh haha very funny Payal. We're just friends."

"If you say so."

When you first become friends with someone, it starts off awkward ' filling the conversation pauses, discovering their likes and dislikes, feeling out the boundaries. But after a while you grow familiar and all of a sudden you can't remember what life was like before you became bosom buddies.

Surprisingly, hanging out with Arnav was fun. Even more fun than making funny faces at yourself in the mirror. (Not that I ever engage in that sort of activity. Much.) Sure, he had his moments of elusiveness and tended to be a bit moody

"So, about this girl you fancy," I began, wiggling my eyebrows just for the hell of it.

Arnav rolled his eyes, now used to my weirdness, "Fancy? What is this? Pride and Prejudice?"

I grinned. "You wish you were half as enchanting as Mr. Darcy." He shot me a mock hurt expression. Laughing, I continued, "But seriously, I think you should tell her."

"Tell her?" He raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"About how you feel." I looked him straight in the eye.

A minute went by, and then another. Or maybe they were just seconds. But it felt like forever as we stared at each other, neither looking away. And for one fleeting moment I wanted him to kiss me. Needed him to kiss me. For a brief second, I thought he might.

He looked away first and refocused his gaze on the television screen. "Maybe I will," he murmured.

Disappointment was rudely shoved aside by anger and confusion. At myself. What was I thinking? My throat felt dry and I cleared it, pretending the last five minutes hadn't occurred. Temporary insanity. That's all it was.


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